Be Healthier, Be Wealthier, Use Thier
Our target audience are Heads of Wellness incumbent in organisation’s that offer private healthcare to their employees.
Operating within the Manufacturing, Healthcare, Technology, Financial Service, Energy and the Transportation Industries
Although this sector involves physically demanding work, obesity is still prevalent and can lead to a higher incidence of workplace injuries. This increases both direct medical costs and indirect costs, such as absenteeism and workers' compensation, as obesity exacerbates physical strain and chronic conditions like osteoarthritis.
In energy-related roles, particularly those requiring physical labour, obesity can lead to higher rates of injuries and illnesses, impacting overall operational efficiency. The energy sector often reports significant indirect costs from absenteeism and disability claims related to obesity-related chronic conditions.
Like technology, the financial services sector is largely sedentary, which can lead to higher rates of obesity among employees. This sector sees substantial healthcare expenditures and absenteeism, driven by conditions such as hypertension and cardiovascular issues associated with obesity.
Sedentary work environments, common in the technology sector, can exacerbate obesity-related issues. As the prevalence of obesity rises, companies in this sector experience increased healthcare costs, absenteeism, and presenteeism, affecting productivity and performance outcomes
Employees in the healthcare sector face unique challenges as they manage high-stress environments and long shifts, which can contribute to obesity.
The physical demands of manufacturing jobs may be impacted by obesity, contributing to higher rates of absenteeism and reduced productivity. Workers in this sector often experience an increased risk of obesity-related conditions like musculoskeletal disorders, leading to greater healthcare costs and disability claims.
In energy-related roles, particularly those requiring physical labour, obesity can lead to higher rates of injuries and illnesses, impacting overall operational efficiency. The energy sector often reports significant indirect costs from absenteeism and disability claims related to obesity-related chronic conditions.
Turn the delivery of healthcare on its head. It is time to prioritise disease prevention over treatment.
At THIER, we believe that health and wellness are personal journeys, not just statistics.
We share powerful stories from employees and wellness leaders, exploring the evolution of health through technology, government policies, and activism.
Our goal is to highlight real experiences that inspire change and demonstrate the impact of our platform.
Discover how THIER is helping people take control of their health, one story at a time.
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